Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why do woodpecker live alone?

Not all species of woodpecker live alone. Some live in groups so that they spend less time watching for predators and more time feeding.

Do you see dead people?

Very impressive! With only one observation: The spirits of killed warriors live IN the trees, not among them. Each old tree has the soul of a killed in battle brave, and all of them, gathered together, they form of a superior form, a deity, who can be very vindictive to unjust. This claim is valid among major Indian tribes, Sioux, Cherokees etc. Nicely written, correct words, nice imagery. Bravo CW.

Dog was acting weird for a moment (not a health issue)..?

Some dogs go a little nuts when a wild or domestic animal uses the bathroom on their property.. they can pick up on human smells to! Anything really.. It could have just been excited and wanted to play.. perhaps it burried something there and just wanted you to know? Also, if you live in the United States, there is no real worry with rabies.. especially if they have their shots! Now that the dog is calm, and as long as it's eating.. There is nothing to worry about! :)

My dog killed a kitten?

I have a rescue dog, Had it for nearly two years now. We ended up with it as originally we fostered it for a friend who runs a rescue centre till it could be sent to the RSPCA to be re-homed. The dog hates being confined anywhere, which is why we took it. It was being kept in a centre and was driving them crazy barking all the time. Well, the dog went to the rspca who kept it confined (they were supposed to be sending to a foster home) which made it play up and they said it cant be re-homed and must be put down. We told them we would take it back rather than put it down, and so have had it since. The dog is a bit of an escape artist, jumps high fences, slips his lead/collar/harness and runs amok in general. It dislikes other dos, HATES cats (we have some) and if it sees any animal smaller than itself turns into a bully.It escaped off its coller and chain last night (during the day it stays out back on a chain as it escapes otherwise) and ran to our neighbors farm (over the road) my hubby went after it, went into their yard and noticed a small kennel with kittens. He closed the door, but left it open a bit in case the mother came back. Our dog ran past, saw the kittens pulled them all out shook, 2 of them, then killed the 3rd. My hubby tried to get him off the kitten, but every-time he went near, the dog snapped at him. He eventually managed to get his lead on and dragged him off (too late for the poor kitten though). We are at our wits end now. We cant keep the dog indoors because of our cats plus young children, and the dogs hate being confined in a room. We cant confine this dog as it will escape (our other dog does not) and as we live in a farming community, if it goes near or harasses any other animals, it will probably end up shot. I think we should get shot asap, hubby wants to try and train the dog, but is busy on a farm and does not really have the time. Does anyone have any advice/suggestions? Thank you

How to get fake tan not streaky?

im a irish dancer and I'm going to nationals so my legs have to be like a bark (ok well not that dark, but pretty dark) color. and every time i put fake tan on it always streaks sooo bad! i have tried putting it on thick, thin, waiting for it to dry before putting on another coat, not waiting for it to dry to put on another coat, putting on one layer one day the next layer the other day. i have tried everything! and it still streaks. i used loreal sublime bronze gel and the dark lotion. also the BE faux tan. and i really dont want a spray tan. what can i do?

Would it be romantic to declare my love through a podcast?

idk im a guy but i might want to do it on the picnic... it really depends on how confident you are that she has the same feelings for you. if you do it on the podcast she could be embarrassed and might feel awkward around you, or on the flipside it could be the most romantic thing shes ever heard. the picnic might be the safer bet though cuz itd probably be less embarrassing and even if she said she didnt love you she wouldnt get embarrassed and continue to hold the friendship together

What kind of woodpecker makes a drumming sound?

I live in Eastern Tennessee near the Cherokee National Forest and frequently hear a very loud drumming sound out in the trees. I know it's a woodpecker but don't know what kind. Thanks for your answers!

DS: What's her problem?

A little friendly dog like that doesn't need a prong. A prong is overkill. Try with a flat collar first, pop it the way you would with a training collar and bring her back into a heel. You greet other dogs on your time, not hers. Then again, I'm against introducing random strange dogs anyway. It serves no positive purpose and opens the possibility of a dog fight.

Woodpecker or Rabbit For Predator Hunting?

Well i am trying to decide if i should get a woodpecker decoy that squeals and moves for 25 dollars ( and the land i am hunting on is filled with Pileated, hairy, and downy woodpeckers, also northern flickers!) (also land filled with hungry coyotes, gray foxes, red foxes, black/chocolate bears, and possible sightings of wolves, and bobcats). Also i was wondering if i should get a rabbit decoy that just moves but doesn't squeals for 33 dollars. I have rarely seen a rabbit on the land so i am siding with the woodpecker. Any opinions?

My dog has Separation Anxiety, how can I cure this?

You need to solve this slowly ie put him in a room or put him somewhere he cant get to you or see you and then walk away for maybe 10 secs then go back give him a cuddle and give him a treat (as long as he didnt bark/whine) then the next time stay away a little longer and keep repeating then over time try putting him somewhere he can see you and start again. do you catch my drift? also look up ceasar millian (sorry if that spellings incorrect if you type it into google it will recognise him) im sure he had an eppisode about separation anxiety. i hope this helps! good luck

Do you think bark chippings are good for african land snails?

i hav a african land snail and shee is doing really well in bark chippings shee has also laid eggs in them so i was just wondering what you think thnx

A family I know abuses their dog, what should I do?

A family I breifly know are abusing their poodle. The dog barks quite alot, which is anoying, and they always yell at him, hit him with a paddle, kick him, etc. What should I do? I love the family, and dont want them to get in legal trouble, but the dog is being hurt! What do I do?

Bought a new car and is taken back?

I went to see about trading my car in for something new dealership checked my credit and we signed a36month agreement they wanted only 349.00 that same day I explained I had direct deposit and asked if they pull the money Thursday and the deal was made earlier that Monday well 11days later they call asking for copy of my ss card I couldn't find it so I had to order another one then they called 2 days later and just asked for my ss number I gave them it and told me I wasn't approved and the ss number they checked was someone else's the last digit of the ss number was a 4 when it should have been a 9 the name was of a woman which I'm a male the had a middle initial I have none and 2different last names 1 that sounds like mine but spelled different and another which wasn't close to my last name ( different alias they said) both had my previous 2 addresses and current address then when I asked about the payment they said it was declined I called my bank and they told me the key data the dealership entered was wrong I asked the business manager if they had problems reading and counting and typing because it seems they are not doing their jobs I got my car back but my radio was tookin out I talked to a sales rep I guess and told me to call the sales manager the next day so he can find out who took it out and have it put back in is there anything I can do? Sorry for the long story but I try to be as informative as I can

Why is My Puppy Suddenly Aggressive?

Sometimes when a normally nice pet pet all of sudden acts aggressive, it may mean they are in pain. Take him to the vet for an exam is my suggestion.

What happens when your dog is yelping and nobody is there and it didn't eat anything or didn't touch anything?

well we were outside and my cousin came in for something and he saw my dog barking at nothing and it was scared it hasn't ate anything to hurt it or it hasn't touched anything. there was no one in the house either.We both came in and saw her yelping and crying for help she was very scared my cousin was right in front of her to. We didn't know if it was a person or a ghost. We are still wondering what should we do to know if it was a person or ghost?

What is happening to me?

The fact that you think this has anything at all to do with Wicca suggests you have a highly overactive imagination and a love of the fantastical. Wounds don't just vanish. Winds come and go. Playing Harry Potter does not invoke real magic. Real magic doesn't do what you're claiming.

I need to verify a added account alias what do i do?

I added a account email alias, to verify they said to follow the inst,. on text to verify. my text says "go to and follow directions to verify. I go and Therese no where to verify

How do my fiance and I compromise about the dog's behavior?

This sounds like a very hard situation. Dewey is basically Jared's baby. I would talk to him and let him know thar this situation is very new to you. Dewey needs more training, and Jared has to understand your point of view. I think it can work if you both come to an understanding of what to do. Dewey should not be sleeping in bed with you both. He should sleep in the living room or in his doggy bed. Dewey is basically a baby in training and so far Jared made a lot of bad decisions. I hope everything works out. Good Luck :)

How to remove acrylic paint from wall?

i painted a cherry blossom tree in my room wall. how to remove it ? its had black bark and pink & white flowers

What kind of laugh do you have?

How do you laugh?wide open a squirrel or like monster or even like Jerry(from tom & jerry) or woody woodpecker?

Use Existing email as Alias?

I wouldn't count on their making it available immediately. They might hold it for a while so that a new user doesn't get emails intended for a former user.

Do you ever get mistaken as being an immigrant?

Just last night someone came up to me and started speaking Spanish. I'm like,"HUH'? When I her I am American born and mostly Portuguese she said,"OH I thought you were Puerto Rican". Could you pull off an alias, if you had to hide?LOL

My Maltese female is sleeping a lot?

Ok my dog is usually really hyper but lately she runs around and then just knocks out. Shes beginning to whine a lot and just barks so we can pick her up (very spoil). She's only 8 months old so there's no reason for her to be so tired.

Is my house haunted or something else?

I've always heard that dogs can see ghosts. Well, I have three dogs and one night, my family and I were watching a movie, and we paused it to go to the bathroom, and suddenly all three dogs who were laying in the same room started to growl and stare at the top of our stairs. We looked and saw nothing and then they started barking loudly and then returned to growling. Then, in perfect sync, all three dogs began to slowly move their stares down the stairs as if something was walking down the stairs. Our door is right at the bottom of the stairs and when their stares got to the bottom of the stairs they stared at the door for about 5 seconds and then they all just went back to where they were before. They had been growling the entire time through this, which took about 40 seconds. It was like something moved down the stairs and went through the door. The only other thing I can think of that happened in our house was, in the same room, a candle falling off of a table, even though I know the candle was at least an inch from the edge and it was in the middle of the night while I was awake and nothing shook or whatever. Is there a ghost? And yes, I do believe in them.

Should I try to keep my dog, or does the MSPCA sound like a good idea?

DO NOT GET RID OF THEM PLEASE LISTEN, no matter what terrible things you go through in your life you should NOT get rid of your dogs. DO NOT PLEASE DO NOT bring him to the shelter. I had a pitbull puppy, 7 months old. She refused to go in the crate to, was awful on the leash, and always wanted to go out. I was VERY attached to her. We got rid of her because WE WERE depressed and annoyed with her. NOW WE WANT her back because it WAS A BIG MISTAKE. I got VERY sick over it and REGRET it ALOT!!!!!! I was a lunotic to do that! dogs in shelters ARE VERY HARD to adopt out! THEY'LL live the REST of THEIR lives in the shelter!! sometimes the shelter's will put them down depending if its a kill shelter. EVEN THE SPCA is a AWFUL shelter most people DO NOT ADOPT there because their fees are TO HIGH and their APPLICATIONS are WAYYYYYYYYY to impossible to be approved and PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO GO through that. you had the dogs a long time, be patient with them, when you get a breed like a lab or pitbull they are a BIG responsiblity, but they are so sweet to their family. TAKE MY ADVICE and keep them both FOREVER. You'll be HAPPY you did.

Why has CBBC programmes gone downhill?

byker grove remember it well ant & dec classic show lol. kids tv is now cheap american imports or so pc fun it seems is a dirty word

Installation of JOOMLA on WAMP?

do you following the quick start document provided by joomla? have you created mysql database using phpmyadmin? do you provided valid mysql database info when you installing joomla? please read the document first as its step by step tutorial how to install joomla.

A "Different" Bird Problem?

I live in a neighborhood and seem to have what I think is an uncommon (by my experience) bird problem. I have windows around my front door that a blue bird has seemed to taken an odd interest in. the bird has been running into the window almost nonstop for 2 days. I feel bad for the little guy and want to help him. there is a nice sized old woodpeckers nest that he could use, but doesn't, and seems to stop only when there are other bluebirds around or when someone is outside. please help me help the little guy

What's that song? Looking for?

The chorus is something like "Love is right, love is blind, love is... love is. And then someone shouts something that sounds like a bark.

Question about registering to forums?

Okay so I have an account registered on a forum, i want to make another one though (for a few reasons) but the forums rules says you cant make 2 accounts (a.k.a alias) obviously they can find out if i have two accounts because they can see if those accounts have the same I.P., so my question is that what if i go to my friends house and register there (since it's different I.P's and everything) would they find out its me? or not? if so how?

Friday, July 22, 2011

A "Friend" abandoned her dog at my house and wont take him!!!?

I used to own a dog over a year ago and due to the fact I couldn't care for him the way he needed to be cared for I gave him to a better home. Now a "friend" had an issue with a LL because she neglected her dog for days on end while he barked and disturbed the neighbors so she told her her she had to get rid of the dog or she would call the SPCA by the weekend. Since it was such short notice I told her we could watch the dog for a COUPLE OF DAYS until she found a place for him to go. That was almost 2 weeks ago. I've been more then tolerant and told her several times she needs to have him out the LATEST by tonight. Now she is saying no one will take him, and she is leaving town for a week on a plane and has no where for him to go, and basically I need to keep him until she is back and figures it out. Except I have plans all week and wont be home either, therefore I've explained my house is not an option. She says she is working on an option, but I know the end result will be her leaving him. So... I've told her if he isn't gone by tonight, then I'm calling the SPCA and she said if I did that she'll send people to my house... basically threatening me. Am I being unreasonable???????? I feel so used, what would you do? Should I call the SPCA?

Neighbors dog will NOT stop barking.?

At this very momment at 4:36AM!! That stupid mutt is STILL barking!!! my parents room AND my room are RIGHT next their yard so we CAN HEAR EVERYTHING!! I told my dad that we should just go complain rightnow, because they are obvisly not respecting the fact the we would love to get some sleep why should we respect the fact that they wanna sleep??... He said no -_- iv never met the neighbors but they are already on my bad side.

Woodpecker from looney tunes?

Are you sure it was a woodpecker? Other than Tweety and Road Runner the only other bird characters I remember from Looney Toons was the Bashful Buzzard and Go-go the Dodo. It might be the last of the Dodos you're thinking of.

Thoughts on a piece I wrote for my English class?

very good, but after one read its seems more descriptive of her environment than of her character and when you have to start talking abt her character with "julia was an intuitive girl...." it seems very blunt and in complete contrast to the description of her environment which flows like water. you are very good at description of the surroundings, use that to bring out the character. the character development seems very blocky, merge it with the rest of the text. when u describe the grass or the bushes bring out her thoughts abt how she believes there are secrets hidden behind them, in them/it and how when the wind blew she wanted to follow it to see where it went to see perchance where it began,< this is just a crude example to describe her curious character, her determination, start it off smoothly, ease into the character. ( i hope this helps somehow, i would want to read further)

How do I find my rapist?

In many states there is a very long statute of limitations on sex crimes, ten years or more is not uncommon. If you haven't already, you may want to give them a try. Convictions without physical evidence have happened before. Failing that, a private investigator would probably have no problems given the information you have.

What does alias name mean?

An alias is a name that you give to a secret character you play in a life kept separate from your own, it could be as mundane as a stripper name or a secret identity a thief works as or an icon like Hannah Montana.

Can my mother , brother and I get deported?

My father came to the states on a asylum status. he brought myself my brother and my mother to the states after few years. Now my father is a permanent resident and rest of us are U.S citizens. There is a chance my father will get deported because of domestic violence occurrences, he is threatening my mother and I that if he gets deported he will tell the courts that he initially applied asylum under different name, and than when he didn't get approved he applied under different alias. This would be considered fraud, I believe. His claim is that since he brought us on the basis of his asylum case, we would get deported as well. My question , to you is , Does his claims have any validity? should we be worried? We just want him out of our life.

Any random/stupid books?

John Dies At The End(scary too), Apathy and Other Small Victories, The F**k Up. These are just funny and stupid.

How can i get rid of my fear of dogs?

I have a terrible fear of dogs..very scared of them. Dogs always chase me because they sense my fear, and they always bark at me and follow me. I am very scared of them, even if they are locked up, i am afraid of them all the time. When I was little a dog chased me, I was about 4 years old, also i have had other bad expirences with dogs. I have never been bitten, but I am always running away from them, I cant help it. When I rode my bike on a busy street, the dog's owner, lost control over the leash, because the dog pulled so fast and chased me so far, and barked at me sooo bad. I cant get a dog because my parents wont let me have any animals, and we cant afford it. I really dont want them chasing after me and to be afraid of them anymore.

I am writing a children's story, need advice?

If she likes Coraline, then she will like your book. You know your daughter better than anyone else ever will.

Need help with woodpeckers destroying my shed?

We are in a rural area also and live in a log sided home. What works for us is I put woodpecker feeders 30' from the house and make sure they are always full. The suet cakes are not expensive and it keeps them away from the house. We don't have a few woodpeckers but a lot of them. Give it a try they are really fun to watch when they aren't destroying your property.

I cant tell if my dog is angry/stressed when we play?

So sometimes in the house I randomly like to play with my dog. One of the things I like to do is start running and she'll chase after me. When she catches me, she licks me and shows no signs of aggression or anything. However during the chase she barks. My dog NEVER barks except when we play this game. She is by far attached most closely to me amongst the people in the household. Since she hardly ever barks I cant tell if this is an angry bark or just something dogs do when they play around.

Is anyone familiar with the TV show Alias starring Jennifer Garner?

At what point (episode) in season 5 does sydney find out that vaughn actually isn't dead. Its been bothering me :)

Recently, some crows have been hanging around the neighborhood....?

I think it means you're going to die. Just Kidding! I don't think it means anything. People tend to give hightened meanings to any events that are out of the ordinary. The birds are just enjoying a vacation in your neighborhood, looking for some food. That's all.

How can i get my dog to stop barking when i jump/splash in the pool?

I had the same problem with my dog, I gave him some dog biscuits it did the trick, I hope it works for you too

What do you think of my first chapter?

There are a lot of things to comment on so I'll try to limit my answer to just a few. Feel free to email me if you need further help. First off, you have a unique idea here (getting tired of werewolf stories) and you're starting to develop interesting characters. But for a first chapter, it doesn't work for a few reasons. The opening of a story has to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. It has to set location and time, it has to include a hook that grabs the reader, it has to show the beginnings of the main conflict, and introduce the protagonist. Here, there is too much time spent on back story, introducing characters that don't have anything to do with the situation at the end of the chapter. For instance, the background on the parents, the father working at the docks, etc., might be better if woven in later throughout the story. Ask yourself if there is a very strong reason to have that information here, this early in the game. Also think about your main character. A good beginning is a story that starts at the point of change for your character. Or else right after the point of change, which can be external or internal. This meeting of the deaf, blind child appears to have made an impression on the protagonist, but does he go on to do something dramatic because of it? Is this meeting an integral part of who the character becomes? If so, make your chapter focus more on that meeting than on the background information. There are things to change with sentence structure, formatting, grammar, etc., but don't stress over those at this point as they can be corrected when you edit the draft. But one thing you should pay attention to now, is the tense you are writing in. Right now that tense changes. You go from 'she does not want to leave her husband' to 'she called the school'. So you're changing from present tense (does) to past tense (called). Present tense is difficult to write, especially for beginning writers. You may want to stick with past tense. Finally, give some thought to how you can show things rather than telling the reader. For instance, instead of telling the reader that the character felt a little disgusted, look at how you can show that through body language, as in her hand comes up to cover her mouth, she steps back, she brushes off her skirt that came in contact with the child. Showing develops characters, makes a strong story, and involves the reader more deeply in the story. These are all things to work on as you write, but don't let them keep you from writing. Good luck with this idea and have fun.

Can somebody please help me place these animals?

First answer is correct, except that the Moose and Rocky mountain Elk are both herbivores, or primary consumers.

Why do my dogs do this?????S?

I have 3 boxers and 2 cats. So the oldest dog of ours is 6 years old. She was the 1st one we got so she was always used to getting loved all the time. Then we got ANOTHER boxer who is now 3 years old. recently we got a puppy who is like 5 mo. The 2nd dog we got whines and barks hysterically when you pet another dog. The puppy bites the ankles of whoever your petting. The 1st dog doesn't care when you pet another dog, but why not if she was the first one. Wouldnt she be more jelous then the other two. The two who whyine and bite are males and the one who doesnt care is a female. Thx and no timee waster answers plz (i was just curious)

To those of you who have had fake yous?

Lol, I've had imposters. One was a moron though because they made me under a Canadian account. Was it YOOOOOOU?!?!?!

I found a baby red-headed woodpecker?

It was under a tree and there was no nest above it. Its about 6-8 inches long. Its definitely a red headed woodpecker and it seems like it can't walk. When it flies away, it falls and ends up on its back. How can I take care of it until it can fly or walk? It's storming outside and I don't want to leave it out there with the cats around here.

My dog is crying out in pain. Is this normal? Anything I can do to ease it?

Don't worry, remember that puppies tend to be a little more sensitive compared to dogs. The reactions to vaccines are mild, he might just be a little drowsy and cranky for the next few days. My puppy got her rabies shot and some other vaccines and she was the same. No worries, just make sure you (and your family) are careful with the puppy and try to avoid rough play (for now)

Are these people breaking copyright laws?

I believe they are. If you have the copyright, they can not reprint without your permission. I would contact them and ask them for their solution. My guess is that they will write you a check.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What do i feed a baby woodpecker?

You don't. It's mother should feed it. If you found it and picked it up, please call your local animal shelter.

Questions about my Rat terrier? little rat terrier moses is a very unusual dog,but my family all love him.Anyway,his appearance,he has black and white spots,kinda big cuz he eats our food,and hes very cute.But his huge issues are when strangers come in the house he continuously barks and jumps on them,and he even bit one of our visitors ear so we have to keep him away from people.Two more common problems is he poops and pees alot,especially in my room which gets annoying.And one of the hugest problems is he has seizures.He only has them about once a month,but when he does they're awful and usually more than 10.But what I need to know is,what can we do about his barking and besides the medicine we give him for his seizures,what sets them off?Strobe lights,bright lights?Just anything to help those two issues.

Universal Studios, what is Woody Woodpeckers roller coaster like?

Its a kiddy ride. Like for 4 year olds.. It would be nice to bring your little cousin on but its kind of boring and slow for a 10-20 year old!

For LIBS ONLY: Just for fun, what are the aliases for Palin and Bachmann?

I know the c0ns will be a bit upset, but hey, President Obama needs to play a little golf to unwind. And that’s absolutely fine. I like a good laugh at the end of the day. OK, I’ve heard ‘Dumb and Dumber’ and ‘Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb’. Any others?

What website am I thinking of?

It gives you a daily challenge i.e. when someone says a word that starts with e you have to bark. I don't remember much else but I do remember hearing about it on My Life Is Average or AMirite or someother site.

My dog who sleeps with me, woke me at 3am barking like crazy...?

I have a small dog who sleeps on my bed. This night at 3pm i was woken by my dog barking loudly staring at the doorway. I assumed her barking because she could hear my daughter walking up the hallway to come and sleep with us. So i turned my head to look at the doorway expecting to see my sleepy daughter only to my shock saw very clearly a very tall white ghost of a very old lady, the image was looking at the dog barking madly and seemed to be moving its head around in a very confused manner,i could also feel the energy and it was quite bright also. There was no anger, or ill will felt from the ghost but i was petrified just the same. In absolute fear and shock i turned my head to face the other way and could see it in the mirror, with the dog still barking i watched in a fear i have never experienced before, thinking how do i get it to go away, i then shook my doona and yelled out to my daughter, and it faded away. I lay there a while till i had the courage to turn on lights and check on my daughter who was sound asleep. i have lived in this unit 5 years and have never had anything like this happen before, i am now very fearful and am wondering why it came to me. My intuition tells me it was lost or confused and was not there for me! It did not feel familiar, nor did it feel to have any message or omen. So what would have made it visible to me and my dog? I am filled with questions that cannot be answered and am totally freaked out! Would appreciate any views you may have.. Regards Jo C....

3,000 dollar check is a scam? duh. This is an old scam and the scammers change names/emails on almost a daily basis. Anyone who is dumb enough to fall for it deserves to lose their money.

Not really a pet question but?

if they are pecking a tree that is hollow or a section is hollow the more noise it will make. so when it moves to another tree (when it doesn't have luck with food) the sound should go down. unless it finds another hollow tree

Dog can't poop, already taken to vet. What's wrong with him?

try rice , condliver oil ( idk how to spell it put that sounds like the pronceation), prune juice and ask about doggy laxitives. hope this helps

My dog is acting wierd?

My dog just came in from being outside and started to act weird. First off, his head was tilted and he was shaking his head. He then began running around barking, head tilted and crying. We rubbed his ear and he liked it, but when we stopped he continued running barking and shaking his head. Is there any idea what could be wrong with him? We checked his ears but we couldn't see anything....

Where can the red headed woodpecker be found worldwide and nationally?

Don't know re worldwide but I've lived in NJ &CA & they're in both of those states. More in other states as well from what I understand.

Do women on this board actually find THE MAN hot?

I am not a woman, so I can't speak for women. The Man gives a lot of good answers. Even when he gives answers that you may not agree with, you have to admit that he is hilarious!

Why a dog ????????????????????

How do you think your poor mother felt when you were born? A chubby, crying little mush blob that sh*ts in his pants, spits up, and drools. And she kept you around, didn't she! Dogs are much cleaner than babies, are the cutest things on this planet, can be service dogs to the specially abled, are one of the smartest animals, and love you unconditionally. There is nothing like a great dog, and I hope you never get the pleasure of having one you ignorant ****

Diagnose this kid---Personality disorder? BPD? Fascinating case?

I have disassociative identity disorder (ALTERS) and you just described the first 49 years of my life. There are a few things you didn't mention but WOW.

Would you like to help me build a shack?

make real walls , add a fireplace ,put in some windows , and by all means make the outhouse downwind

Trying to End My Pitbull's Nipping, Advice?

The best advice I can give is to associate bigger people with good things. Slowly start to introduce slightly taller people than the ones he used to being around, moving so that the people get taller and taller as you progress. When he does well, give him a treat. Start the process over with wider people.

UBER ULTRA EMERGENCY! Black bear or rabid Raccoon?!?

I live in PA. My friend and I went "Coon Watching" We put egg yolk (raw) cheese curls and bread together and went outside, flinging the food for the coons. We heard crackling raccoon chirps and bark breaking noises. We went inside to get cat food eggs and peanut butter. Then, my friend said she heard a raccoon panting on our left near the woods. (My house is in the middle of the woods, literally.) Then I heard scratching, as if something was crawling out of a tree. After that noise, we heard more panting and crawling on the ground. We decided it was a rabid coon and we ran inside. I know black bears climb and pant, but this seemed kind of like a cub and perhaps a mom. What you guys/gals think? Raccoon or black bear?? Do you think it is safe to go outside?

Doesn't a woodpecker defy the theory of the evolution? ?

Its beak and skull would be impossible to resist all that shock absorption at it's evolutionary would also die of hunger since it couldn't bore in the trees for it's special meals.

Does the Samsung u370 support text threading?

I am interested in upgrading phones and am either thinking of the LG Cosmos Touch or the Samsung u370. I am currently with Verizon. I found on a post somewhere that the Cosmos Touch supports text threading - instead of having an Inbox and Sent Items for text messages, it lets you have a thread of texts to and from a particular person, much like email (just not sure "text threading" is the right terminology). The Samsung u370 seems similar but better. I have the Samsung Alias 2 now. I was just wondering if anyone who had the Samsung u370 could comment on this? Thanks so much.

Cause and Treatment of holes in cedar siding?

There are various size holes underneath the eaves on the cedar siding. Some say it is woodpeckers going after the insects inside. What controls the bugs and woodpeckers?

Do cactus wrens eat popcorn?

I threw some leftover popped popcorn in the back yard to see if any birds would eat it, and there are over a dozen wrens (and two woodpeckers) out there now. The wrens pick up the kernels and fly under the shade of the orange tree with them and peck at them, but I can't tell if they're actually eating them. Are they? And is it good or bad for them? I've never seen so many wrens.

My dog scared the crap outta me.?

I own a boxer/pit mix. He's only 7 months old and sleeps with me. Rite infront of the window. Today at 6:40am he jumped straight up, ran to the window and started barking like crazzii. I've heard him bark b4 but nevr like this. He wuz howling and everything and I kept pushing him away but he held his ground. Anywayz when I looked at him I noticed tht the hairs ontop of his tail wuz standing up, and the hairs on his neck were to. Wht does tht mean.? And wht wuz he so scared of if there wuz nuthin outside.?

A dog bit my friend! What should I do?

First of all your friend needs to go to the hospital, or the doctor or so to get the cure that she needs, and she might need some rest. Second, it looks to me like that big German Shepard is a bad vicious dog. He might have seemed nice at first, but by what I am seeing that dog is dangerous and should be reported to the humane society or so. I would find out if he has an owner, because if he is a street dog, that means he has no owner, and street dogs are the worst dogs ever, because they are liberal. So, I would not let him stay in your house any longer, before you know it he might get vicious again and bite the crap out of all of you in the house and you all will be big time injured. Yeah, don't take responsibility for that wild mad dog.

What type of bird is this?

my cats just brought home a bird and i cant tell what it is it. its black but looks greenish when the light catches it and has small brown spots on its back put mostly to the sides and tips or feathers. its about 7 inches long and has a beak of about 1 inch to 1 and a half. i believe it might be a type of woodpecker as we have had sightings of them pecking at a tree opposite my house but have only currently seen them a few times so not had a very good look i think here maybe feeding as the tree is infested with woodworm's and there have been sightings just down the road of a woodpecker nesting so could this be a woodpecker? or if not what type of bird is it i haven't seen one before?

Would you go out with a girl that weighed 199lbs?

You sounds like an awesome, goal-oriented person who just about anyone could have fun with. You're just asking for each individual's opinion so I'm going to be honest and give you mine. I'm 20 years old, very active, don't necessarily enjoy working out, but I do it every day just so I can look good. With that being said, I would not date a girl who weighs that much. It's awesome that you've lost weight and that you have the will-power to do it, but for my taste you have a bit to go to get me to look in your direction. Just being brutally honest, keep working hard.

My dog just bit me for the first time, please help?

I have a 3year old female toy poodle and she bit me today for the first time she wont let me carry her or anything and she has never done that to me, She usually is very sweet with me and my dad only, so he biting me is very strange because im the one she trusts the most and is always friendly with me she only listens to me as well therefore her not letting me carry her is very unusual i dont know what to do? she doesnt listen to me when i call her or anything, i noticed she looks kind of sad though. I also have a male toy poodle just recently got him about a year ago and he has been acting very annoying and barking all the time. Today i took him inside to give him a bath and left my other dog outside so i think maybe she got sensitive because i didnt take her inside with me, she is very spoiled. Well i would be very happy if anyone helps me with this problem. Should i take her to the vet? Can she be pregnant? i've heard that they dont like being touched when they are pregnant?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why did God create the Pileated Woodpecker....? Or did it just happen to evolve....?

It bores out a large hole in trees to nest and raise their little ones and then they abandon the nest and do not return the following year. Other birds who could not bore their own holes use it, so that is at least one purpose they have. Actually this holds true for all the woodpeckers. So woodpeckers are very useful in the forest.~

My LAB/Terrier mix puppy is being so aggressive?

Hey guys, my 3 month puppy is being very aggressive. He is barking, growling, getting into this position, and its actually pretty scary! I know its an act of aggression, and he's not playing. Please help!

How does a woodpecker sing?

The reason birds sing is to attract a mate and to let other individuals know that this is their territory. In the case of woodpeckers, they "drum" on tree trunks to do this, so they don't have a song. They do call to each other, however, but these aren't used as part of courtship.

What good TV shows are there to watch?

Theres no way you can have possibly have seem all of the episodes of doctor who. You seem to like the same type of shows i like. Have you seen BBCs Merlin? Its pretty good. Or Sherlock.

What birds are legal to hunt?

What birds are legal to hunt without license or tag? I live in oklahoma and have been hunting small birds with a .22. I was recently told not to shoot meadowlarks (which I've been hunting) and woodpeckers (which I've also shot) I was wondering what small birds are illegal to shoot?

Can I go by a different name without going to court?

Of course you can go by a different name without going to court. Many writers have written under pseudonyms.

Tow Woodpecker birds come early morning everyday and hitting my window edges made of galss and aluminium panel?

The glass is fixed with rubber insulation at the edges to fit to aluminium window panels. By this the rubber insulation is damaged and the grip of the glass in the window panel is weakened. How to prevent the birds coming. I have pasted a big micky mouse photo on the glass to frighten the birds. But no use. please find a solution for this

Why does my puppy bark at people?

Whenever we go out shopping where we can bring them, one of the puppies keeps barking at people that walk by. The other puppy just growls and keeps walking. Y do they do this?

Importing pictures to computer help!?

i have an alias 2. i took a video today and my friends want it on their phones and facebook. however when i click "send," it pops up saying that file size is exceeded. anybody know what i could do?

Where can I bring my orphaned baby birds?

Ok today we were cutting down trees and we found some baby woodpeckers. They are all fine but we can't take care of them. We managed to make some food and give it to them but we need to know where we can bring them to like a wildlife rehabilitator or something. I live in Mandeville, Louisiana. Please help.

How do we return to last "new" version or even classic yahoo?

What Yahoo mail are you using if you started you mail account with beta no you can't go back.But if you had the all new mail or classic mail it can be done I had the same problem and could not find a way to go back I got so pissed that I did a chat session with a yahoo mail customer service rep.And was told I can't go back well I told him that I thought that Yahoo was better than that so I.Then told him that if I can't go back then I think that it's time for me to say good bye to Yahoo.Then I was asked my security questions then I was asked to answer my security questions and the Yahoo mail customer service rep switched me back himself from beta mail to classic mail I only had to sign out of my Yahoo mail account while he was switching my account back

Is it bad that my dog guards the house?

It's her house / territory. She is trying to protect you and her territory from unknown people. My sisters dog is exactly the same. Nothing to be worried about. :)

I think my puppy thinks my cats are dogs?

like she barks at them and she smells there buts like what dog do, do u think she thinks they are dogs?

Help!!!!!!!!!! woodpecker problems?

There is a woodpecker that pecks my house (the room i sleep in) and it wakes me up every moring because its so loud! i tried shooting it but that didnt work, know any ways i can get it to leave my house alone?

Somone is using my name as an alias but that's all.?

When I do searches on the Internet someone has used my name as an alias and my wife's name appears as a relative to this person. My first and last name are not common and the chances that my wife's name (including middle name) are being used is very strange. How do I get to the bottom of this?

I'm so scared and paranoid!!?

Well i watched scary movies like 2 weeks ago. And i used to love them! like ghost ones but i watched 2 really scary ones and I am so scared of demons and ghost. like my dog will bark in room at random things when i'm the only one home. but we built the house. and it just scares me and im more scared because my best friend that lives in my neighborhood have had demons in her before. But i'm not gonna go into detail. But she lives in the back of the neighborhood by some woods that i think that people have done witch craft before. and im not going to go into detail why. and im always scared at night i cant close my eyes at night unless my mom sleeps with me... idk what to do

Christians, did Noah have woodpeckers on the ark? If he did, where did he keep them?

Woodpeckers would have been on the ark. Stop watching too many cartoons. People dint have surnames then. Jesus didnt have any relationship. Ive never seen a lighting rod on a church. The clothes you had when you died will be in the grave. All Gods followers will be in white pure, clean and away from sin for eternity.

Somebody tried to break into my apartment! please help!?

ok i know im asking in the wrong section but i will get more aswers here, ok so yesterday around 5.26 am to be exact, my dog(a 7 pound chihuahua) started barking like crazy so i got up of bed and told him to shut up because i had a 2 year old toddler and my husband sleeping, my husband works nights and he gets home around 4.30 am. ok so the dog kept on barking until my husband got up and turned the light on from the living room, he looked outside thru the window and didnt saw nothing other then people getting ready to go to work.. ok so we tought the dog was barking at a cat or something and we went back to sleep, my dog kept on making noises and he was being weird the whole time, i even told my husband that maybe he was predicting and eathquake or something.. but when we woke up and when to the porch we saw the window half open, we knew that my dog scared somebody that was trying to break into my apartment and now that im by myself with my 2 year old son im so scared! my husband gets home around 4.30 so im so nerveous! i have a hammer in hand a broom to know to my neighbor upstairs and my phone full charge.. what should i do if they try to break in again? im afraid they know im home alone with my son, im 22 year old and im very petite 5 feet tallk and 110 pounds.. please help me, any advice will be appiciated.

How to report an AWOL Reserve Solider?

Is there a number to call for the US Army or the US ARMY Reserves to report a possible AWOL solider? I think my friend is either one lying about being in the reserves or two is in there and has not reported. She has been in major trouble lately and is currently in jail in San Bernadino. She uses alias and that is why I think the military has not found her. That is even if she rejoined as a reservist. She exited the military in 2008. Please let me know

Should I take the risk?!?

dont do it. I know you want to but its a two month old foal. Why why why are they selling it so young?

Why isn't the woodpecker a poster child for tylenol?

Hey, Yahoo ornithologists. I've always wondered why the woodpecker doesn't get headaches from tapping, pecking and drilling. Furthermore, does anyone know why woodpeckers hammer?

Why do dogs bark at each other?

Is it a warning, socialisation etc? For example my dog barks if people come to the house which sets of a neighbours dog but my dog doesn't bark if it is the other way round.

I am having trouble calling in coyotes and foxes?

I have just become a hunter this past 2 years and have gotten dear, squirl, and chipmunks, i've been wanting to get a coyote or a fox but have not been able to, i live in northern michigan and live right in the woods, ive used jackrabbit in distress calls, cotton tail in destress calls, woodpecker in destress calls, coyote howlers, and even coyote pee and meat such squirle and chipmunks, Can anybody help me to find out what im doing wrong, and i also dont know what the rite time to hunt coyotes/foxes, thanks for the help....

Separation anxiety in my puppy?

just last sunday we got a new puppy. he's a border collie/basset hound. he is also 7 wks (btw i asked my vet if 7 wks was too young N she said it's fine as long as the mom has weaned him N the owner said she did) but i think he has separation anxiety cuz if im not in the room wit him he will cry, bark, N howl until i come to him. he also wont eat unless i stand rite there (but thats cuz his original owner wud watch him as he ate). all nite he howls N barks N even tho we're in the other room we can hear him. i dont know how to make it stop. he also gets so upset that he spills his food N water N gets it everywhere. i keep him in the kitchen in a pretty big puppy pen. but we're getting so frustrated, we dont know wat to do. he also follows us everywhere we go N if he loses sight of us he crys. pls help!

Is this weird to love my fish WAY more then my dog?

I HATE my dog but I LOVE my fish. I think the fish are cuter and best of all they dont do all that annoying stuff my dog does. See, it was my moms before she died and my gramma took it in(i live with her) Over the years shes neglected giving it exercise and disciplining it. So basically, its overweight and spoiled now. it never stops barking, it nearly bit halfway through my grandpas leg, it's vicious to guests, it doesnt know any tricks, doesnt come when its called, eats its own poop and cant even go for walks or else it escapes. Keep in mind I couldn't change this because I was only 9 by the time it was too late. it doesnt even let anyone pet it anymore besides my grandma. I want to give it away but my grandma says no or she'll flush my fish away. And the fish are basically my trusted companions. Imagine an awesomely trained, lovable dog you always see on Tv. my fish are like that to me, and my dogs like a rat to me. not a pet rat, a sewer rat. How strange is this? Oh yes, feel free to insult me. I DONT CARE. I DONT CARE. READ THIS MESSAGE YOU SARCASTIC PEOPLE. I DONT CARE.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Robert Frost's poem "Ghost House?"?

The narrator of the poem is himself a ghost who inhabits a ruined cottage, or more correctly the cellar walls, the only part that remains from what once was a home. The road is 'disused and forgotten' because the cottage, fallen to ruins, has been abandoned, its only inhabitants the narrator and other ghosts, who find companionship in the others who haunt the desolate place. We learn there is also a graveyard nearby, probably the family plot, whose 'stones out under the low-limbed tree / Doubtless bear names that the mosses mar." It does indeed paint a vivid, and sad, picture, but there is nothing too complicated in this decidedly 'atmospheric' piece.

Stay in relationship and compromise,or leave now ?.?

My current girlfriend has been with me for a little over 8 months,and she lives with two 40 ibs dogs. I personally don't like dogs,barking invading of space,un deciplined,sleeping on bed,hair,and a number of other things just irritate me. It's her place so I don't mind,but we have a problem now where I told her I won't move in with her as long as she has dogs. Her current dogs are older in age,and I told her I would wait till their time comes,but I won't live with dogs in a place of my own. It is wrong of me,but I can't help it,it's compulsive. I can't deal with their mess,and their invasion of your space,but I love her very much,and don't know what to do.

Can you still receive mail package if you give a fake name but real address?

Like, the address is yours but the name is made up or an Alias or something. Since I know you can /send/ mail under an alias. I want to know if you can receive it though.

Help everybody is at a loss!?

Since you already hired a trainer and they haven't been able to find a cause, I think the next step should be a trip to the vet.

I have a staffordshire bull terrier who hates other dogs he goes mental and barks he was attacked as a pup?

he also saw my daughter be attacked by another dog and jumped in to defend her i just want him to get on with other dogs. also he is worse towards other dogs when i have my children

How can I setup subdomains to point to the same ip address at different ports?

I have a linux server that is running 4 different instances of a game server. To connect to the server I have my router setup to forward 4 different ports(7707, 7709, 7711, 7713) to the correct machine. What I would like to do is somehow setup aliases to allow me to specify ''(7707), ''(7709), etc. to point to the correct ports. I have a godaddy domain name and account, but CNAME's don't allow for directing to different ports. I don't believe iptables will allow me to filter by domain name either, since it functions at the tcp level at it's highest. Does anyone have any idea what I could do?

In your opinion which years had the best American cartoons?

To me the 40's and 90's had the best American cartoons. In the 40's you had Tom and Jerry, Looney Toons, Merrie Melodies, Woody Woodpecker etc. These cartoons could of been enjoyed by all ages unlike cartoons these days that are only targeted to kids. There was also very little censorship in these cartoons so there was a lot of violence and things that may seem inappropriate for children like alcohol consumption,use of weapons and mild sexual stuff. Also both Bugs and Daffy to me seemed way more crazy in the 40's, in the 60's they seem more toned down. In the 90's you had cartoons like Gargoyles, Batman, Johnny Bravo, Hey Arnold etc. Eventhough censorship of cartoons was common in the 90's cartoons could of been enjoyed by both children and adults. Nineties cartoons such as Gargoyles and Batman appealed to adults because of their somewhat dark tone and well crafted storylines..

Do I need to carry an ID while I'm out doing yard work?

Of course you don't need to carry your ID; In you car, yes you do but anything else other then that and out buying items you don't need it. If a officer asks for your ID when your out doing yard work just tell him your name and he'll have all the information he needs (he has a laptop built in his car) all policemen do. Therefore you do not need an ID.

Can Dogs Reconize You On Skype?

I am skeptical about them actually recognizing the picture on the screen, like them seeing you in a picture. But, when I went to florida, I left my dog with my mother. I skyped her and when I was talking, Pirate recognized my voice and got very excited (although he looked to the door!). So, if you talk to her and say her name, she will recognize the voice, but I doubt she will pay attention to your picture on the screen.

How do I convince my mom to let us get a dog?

Okay, so me and my brother really want a dog!! weve been wanting one forever. my dad wants one too. a few years ago he promised us that we would get a dog in the spring but never did. my mom is the one thats keeping us from getting a dog, she said that when everyone is at school and work it will destroy the house and no one will take care of it. i actually would take care of it i love dogs and all animals, i have been searching the local dog shelters and have found some really great dogs, that are already house broken. my birthday is next month, and I am willing to pay for the dog and his/her supplies myself with my own money. We have 4 cats, but cats are such a boring pet. I do love my cats but i do want a dog, we have a huge backyard, with plenty of places for him to run, and we could probably get a dog that won't bark alot, so how can I convince my mom to let us have one?? Please help!!!!

My cat keeps killing, can we stop him?

I once had the same problem, until I bought an all-elastic collar. It still will stretch if your cat gets stuck, but provides room for him to maneuver to get loose without loosing his collar. Attach a loud bell to it and its an instant fix. Hope this helps.

Would I be allowed to use this artist name or would it infringe copyright?

I would like to use the name "brΔin" as a alias for producing hip hop beats similar to the likes of Flying Lotus and Afta-1. After I decided i liked that name i looked up just "Brain" on iTunes and a few other music downloading websites. There is an artist named "Brain", but since I'm using the triangle instead of an "a", would I be infringing the copyright because it is pronounced the same or am I okay?

Quick Biology questions please help?!?

Unsurprisingly, the person who is too lazy to do their own homework is also too lazy to even attempt to disguise it. Copy and paste? Really?

Are meant to allow people to be misleading and vulgar , when it comes to answering questions in this site?

i like the first link best. enjoy =P

Science fiction or action shows?

i just finished watching the last season of the show charmed.i have it all on dvd.i love that show.other shows i love are beast master (and i have all of that),hercules the legendary journies (i have all of it),ghost whisperer ( i have all that). i recently found out about a show called sanctuary and plan on buying some of it on dvd.i do not like cop shows or crime shows period. i do not like superman and other comic book character based shows.i do not like bionic woman.i do not like things like star trek.the show dead like me is not of interest,the show dead zone i never much liked when i did see a few episodes of it,fringe im not interested in,alias im not interested in,i don't want anything about ghost hunting,i don't want anything about wrestling.i don't like the show lost and i have all the show on dvd of the lost world.i dont like the show buffy or angel and i dont want anything to do with not into shows that are about teenagers still in school fighting know like buffy and vampire diaries.those things anoy not into harry potter type things so shows about people pretty much like harry potter are not my deal.iv seen warhouse 13 and dont like it. x files to me has top much to do with outerspace since it has to do with not into fictional shows all about alien stuff.i don't like the show xena the warrior princess. i think xena was a huge slut.yeah im a hard one to if you have any ideas please tell me.also do you know if the show on scie fie sanctuary is still having new shows come out?i see on amazon season 3 you have to register to be told when it is out so just wondering if there making more shows on that show or not

I need a word Begining with N that i can use for an alias?

If you've ever seen death note, you'll know that N uses near as his name. im planning on doing a similar thing but the only problem is i cant find a word that sounds right. another problem is that it must have at least 6 letters. please respond ASAP. and please tell me its good. thanks

Help identifying my bonsai.?

I am in Minnesota, I bought it from a home depot. It has leaves that are anywhere from half an inch long to an inch, dark green, wavy at the edges, not prickely, I repotted it & the roots were swirled around in a circle in the pot (not sure if that matters) the leaves grow all long the branch, not in clusters, they come to a point at the end, the bark right now (not sure if it's all that healthy, it is growing though) is a greyish brown, I can see a little green through the bark (it's not very thick yet) it has some little pokey bumps on it all over. Doesn't look sick though, looks like thats how it's supposed to be. It is not growing any roots from the branches (like a ficus would if I've read correctly) any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Can I set my alias as my primary email address? How? Thanks.?

that alias or extra mail account cannot be made as your primary email address. but you can send/receive mails on that alias account. both mails received/sent will land on the same Mail box!

My dog doesn't get along with others?

My dog is about five years old and he doesn't get along well with other dogs, we got him when he was about a year and a half and we have two other dogs that he gets along really well with. Is it too late to train him to be good around other dogs? We go to the park every day and sometimes there are other dogs there, he totally freaks out and whines and barks and pulls. If he gets near them he will try to snap, sometimes he'll get away from me because he is a very strong dog and he'll run up to them but he won't snap unless he is on the leash. I tell him NO in a strict voice but he doesn't listen when there are other dogs involved. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but I need help. It sucks that he can't get along well with other dogs because my two other dogs love to be social.

I have a fake facebook account?

that is not associated with my name or real email address at all. I have no friends on there and all info is blocked. I only use it on rare occasion just to check non-friends pages. Nobody knows i have this page but me. Is there any possible way someone would figure it out? Can you really see who is checking out your profiles? I thought those sites were all bogus and gave fb viruses. Somebody asked me if I was "the alias name" i use and it totally blew my mind! How could they know?? I acted like I had no clue what they were talking about. Could they really find that info out and if so how???

Coco IS a fun loving MALTIPOO puppy! ?

First to answer your question. Since your dog is mixed, there is no standard to judge the rate of growth. As to your rant about it being your money if you choose to buy from a pet store or a breeder who mixes breeds to sell for a profit. You are correct, it is your right to do so, just as it is our right to call your dog a mutt since it is mixed. The way that you are approaching people is not a good way to make people want to help you.

Do you have a favorite Philosophy product?

I think I've had them all. The body wash/shampoo is great. The fragrance is lovely but a bit more expensive. It is such a natural scent. I always get compliments on it. They have several different gift sets that would be nice also. Lucky girl!

Should I call animal control?

I have a neighbor that has 5 dogs and they continuously bark and even bite people in our neighborhood they get loose all the time and since none of the dogs are licensed no one wants to call animal control. We've tried talking to the owner but no solution what should I do?

What should I do About my dog ?

German Shepard's have bad hip problems. Take her to a vet. It could even be arthritis. I had an old dog that lived a good long time taking arthritis medication. It works really well. good luck.

How do I care for a baby Woodpecker?

My cat somehow got a hold of a baby woodpecker. Couldn't find the nest so I took him in. I'm having baby bird formula overnighted. I also smooshed up a garden spider in warm water to sustain it until the formula gets here. He is quiet and comfortable for now. I'm just wondering if I should be doing anything else.

What dog breed sounds best for me?

No matter what you should walk your dog once a day even if it is a lazy breed. Funny enough I think that a rottweiler (one of the breeds you actually like) may be a good choice. I had one for years and she way very calm and was a fantastic dog. The problem with Rottweilers is that you may want one that is still a puppy (between 6-8 months) because they can get bad habits and can be aggressive if you do not establish dominance and teach them that biting is not acceptable. They are incredibly stubborn dogs but are definitely worth all the training and work in the end.

Does everyone on Yahoo who answers questions ever research anything?

at the age off 66 I go back a long way so am able to answer most questions by memory.In any case an opinion is required in many cases,rather than an answer.

My dog stopped barking out of no where and walking really slow. is he sick or what?

I don't know about the stopped barking it may be that he's getting old, has calmed down, or just lost interest in barking at things. The walking cud be that (again) getting older, or .maybe arthritis I've known dogs who have gotten it.

Trying to remember a show from when I was a kid in the 90's?

It was a cartoon made in early cartoon style (i.e. Woody Woodpecker, Bugs Bunny & Tweety) and was probably from that era too. It aired on Saturday mornings. I remember the show itself showcased a bunch of different cartoon shorts and characters. I remember it included this one about an animal (A coyote maybe? Not Wile E.) trying to kill (or capture?) a female baby panda, but the baby panda would always get the better of him. Help?

Is it easier to get a pos lowlife nothing azz ***&$ off my gd block(let alone haven the **** one door away(2bc?

um, yeah got a section 8 or something bs asst. pos liven next door barking out threates of harm, shooting, killing, etc, use ur imagiznation, my white azz js cause this ***** is possessed by the devil, maybe much worse than that, anyways, I know the hoe got this crib from the city at like a bargain 2 good 2 b true blue price like maybe 400 max a month dollars? for a 800 or more comfortable coozy, practical azz crib, etc.. so yeah decent roof ove rthe hoes head but I DONT KNOW how much being punked by this ***** i can take, um, I heard section 8 ters, or types.. are easier to get bounced out of the neighborhood then others if they be causing bs (YES THEY ARE CAUSING BS).. SO??? can I do some **** her, take some steps, etc,,.. what steps if yes?? TO REMOV ETHIS HOE FROM MY NEIGHBORHOOD that was fine b4 her black azz showed (sorry, lov eblacks, a ton, gott aa ton of black homey) but this hoe done made my azz lose it : (

Monday, July 18, 2011

How can forgiveness be properly earned and how can my friend be forgiven for his bad behavior?

Wow, I don't think its right to judge but, I think your friend definitely has some social anxiety issues and personality disorders. That is not rational behavior at all. He doesn't know when enough is enough. Its a live and learn thing I guess. I hope his behavior has changed since then. Has anything else happened in the past 4 years? Good Luck

Coin Counting Vending Machine?

I want to get my hands on a coin counting vending machine. Not a coinstar I have to lease and obey a contract on. I want to be able to outright buy a machine and be allowed to do whatever I want with it without someone barking over my back for a leasing fee. Any suggestions?

Do you think it was rude of me to do this?

You should have gone to get the dog. While this may have caused a small amount of embarrassment for either or both of you, the girl's safety should be the primary consideration.

How do I stop my australian shepherd from aggressively barking at me?

She is 11 weeks old, I am the primary owner but we also have a large family. After a week with her she has started to aggressively bark and snap at me like I am a stranger. I have tried to stop it but nothings working, any suggestions?

How to make my dog more attached to me?

Just love him as much as u can in morning go near him and keep your hand on his head fr some time and jst make him feel comfort table.he will love u soon

Why won't my dog bark?

My dog won't bark and is afraid of everything. But she does act like a normal dog. I got her from my friend that made them have puppies and she got her from a shelter there is a possibility she was abuse. I only had her for 3years plz answer my question of y my dog wont bark

My phone got wet...low battery life now...will a new battery help?

I have a Samsung Alias 2. I went swimming with it a few weeks ago. Dried it out and it works, only thing is the keyboard doesn't show up any more and the battery dies after 2 - 6 hours. I've had the phone for a while now so i've memorized where the keys are. Will a new battery fix my low life battery problem or is it the phone that wastes energy fast? Also the screen doesn't shut off anymore when it's in my pocket so maybe thats using extra power causing the phone to die quicker?

Is something wrong with my new cockatiel?

I just bought a cockatiel today, i got him because he was really joyful and was always singing and was special from the rest, he seemed quite social. When i brought him home he loved the mirror and was always singing VERY loudly and still is, he has tunes and sometimes quiets down, he keeps fluffing up for like 2 seconds and then shaking (like a dog trying to get dry) but the weirdest thing hes done is he keeps pecking the sandperch (like a woodpecker) and keeps hissing at nothing. He has a normal sized cage with enough room to run around, he has a calcium thingy, a mirror with beads, lots of water and food, 2 sand perches and a wood, and two dangly toys with bells. Is something wrong with him? I havent touched him because i know they need like 4 days to adapt, but how can i make him more comfortable, is he sick?

What kind of dog should i get?

Hello my name is Julio and I'm wanting to get a dog. My brother is going to be moving to college next year and my parents will be working during the weekdays, so i will be lonely after school. I was wondering what a nice dog for me would be. The size doesn't matter to me, id like a dog that doesn't need too much exercise, one that doesn't bark or shed too much, I'd be at school for around 7 hours every weekday. I live in a small house with a small yard but I do have a park nearby. So what is a nice quiet dog that will be my buddy while I'm home alone? Also if anyone has any ideas how to convince my parents to get me a dog that would be helpful ( my dad is scared of dogs). Thank you in advance.

Great Dane puppy having nightmares?

I think its pretty normal. My 10 month old labrador sometimes does that. I adopted him.....and I think he has a history of being I thought maybe they are just having memories about it.

Why did my bf say that to his friend the last 2 months and now he's my bf helpppppp?

K so me and my bf we've been together maybe for a month. Today I was talking to his friend and then his friend was like do u wanna see Ur bf pic on fb I was like yeah. I don't have fb. So he gave me his email and the password. I didn't rlly go on my bf pic I went on the messages between my bf and him my guy friend. SOO I read it. My guy friend asked him if he likes me then he answered by saying noo first thing everyone thinks I like her but I don't and second thing I have a gf. I was crying Wen I saw that. But when I looked on the date it was march. And the other message said do u have alias email (my name) and the date was on April 11th. And I'm rlly worried he told me he likes meee when I read the massage I got rlly shocked I rlly need help wat should I do and wat do u think he told me he likes me and we r together now but idk why he told his friend he doesn't like me it was 2 months ago when he told his friend He doesnt like me but now I know he likes me but idk if he doesn't want to hurt my feelings by saying he doesnt. And he bought me a necklace with the letter A :"( if he doesn't like me than why is he with me now ???? Help

I'm worried about my ball python?

I use Repti Bark too and yes, it can temporarily stain a ball python's skin If the Repti Bark has been soaked. You may notice that the stains are the same color as the Repti Bark. Sometimes the dust from the Repti Bark can get trapped in between a snakes belly scales and if this happens when your snake goes into shed, the Repti Bark dust trapped in the snakes belly scales will become damp and sometimes gooey because it mixes the fluid that builds up between the snakes new and old skin. This, and the classic pink belly, common at shed time, will also give the appearance of stains.

Where can I buy a Woodpecker?

I have never known of woodpeckers being sold. My advice would be to contact your local avian rescue/refuge for advice

Does this girl think I'm an idiot?

This girl is desparate to talk to me or something because she made up an alias fb name and I thought it was the girl that I was trying to ask out, but a couple weeks later she changed her alias name back to her old name. Like was she tryin to see if I would crack and talk to her? It made me feel creeped out. Could she be mad because I asked another girl out? and did not call her to end things properly? Is this normal for girls to do on fb?

How do you get a dog to stop barking?

Barking at the door, at people. It gets worse and of course its not a pleasant thing. He's rebellious, but not even too old yet, but he's already picked up the habit of barking A LOT to certain family members for nothing, and sometimes me and siblings if he doesn't get what he wants including attention after we stay away from him for being so loud and bad. :/ suggestions please?

Are people sick of romance stories like Twilight and want to read more action stories, with girl protagonists?

We all know that Twilight is very romantic, and successful, but are people sick of it? Isn't there more to life than romance? Would people like to see more stories in which the heroine is not focused on romance, and is more concerned with action? Do people want the "Chicks can kick ***" thing from the early 2000s to resurface? ( early 2000s was Alias, Buffy, Catwoman, Elektra, X-men girls, Kill Bill, and so on).

(answer quickly!!!) what is being done to help the redheaded woodpecker from being no longer threatened?

I have to answer this question for a project and I can't find the answer anywhere online. Can someone please help me? Also the project is due tommorow!

Do you hate modern cartoons?

Modern Cartoons don't exist because they're all replaced by those stupid High School Musical and Hannah Montana crap. I miss Tom and Jerry =/

Help! Dog with severe separation anxiety!?

My dog has severe separation anxiety when my mother or I am not home. I am going to college and she becomes especially depressed and her anxiety is worse when I am not around. We are hoping to cure her before I leave in August, or at least make a huge improvement. When we are not home she eat the curtains and furniture, urinates and defecates, whines barks and cries, runs wild around the house, and makes a mess of the garbage and pantry. Additionally, when I am not home she becomes extremely depressed. She sits outside my door crying, won't play with her toys and is all around mopey. Does anyone have any advice? Will getting another dog help?

German Shepherd Aggression?

You need to train him somehow. Get a book, maybe. If a German SHepherd isn't trained, they WILL be aggressive. Try some of these books

I didn't say a word. Was he talking to me or just rambling?

You have done well to capture all this from just listening to him. A very good read indeed. Thank you.

How can I make my dog accept cats? *Beagles!*?

Do some research, and make preparations. In my experience, with some time, and a lot of patience, cats and dogs will do quite nicely together.

Photoshop magic wand problem?

Okay export the image in PNG. That is the most common format that is used in html when it comes to transparent objects. GIF is useful when it comes to small animations.

Is it possible to get old cartoons ucut?

For instance woody woodpecker or daffy duck cartoons with all the politically incorrect stuff (knives, guns, cigars) kept in? Apart from 16mm film.

Please help me im dying in pain.tell me what is right?

My little 5 year old pomeranian was so cute and friendly yet very vicious sometimes.last week he bit me because I went close to him to smell his shampoo on his coat and he jumped at me all of a sudden ripped the corner of my lip.I got 8 stiches because of it.then my parents gave the dog away.I misss him.I'm 23 years old and I cry everyday for not having my dad told me today that I caused all really broke my heart.they told me so many times to not go so close to the dog but its my dog I wanted to love him hug him kiss him.he was okay sometimes and he wasn't okay with me hugging him some other times.all my friends dogs never bite.but my dog did a I miss him I can't get him back.I ccant focus and study and I'm being super needy towards my bf because I feel depressed and baby is not waiting for me by the window to get home everyday,I don't hear him bark,I don't have to close the door so he doeant run away and I don't have to check on his food and water anymore.its driving me crazy.everyday I missed him and looked at his pics untill I'd get home to play with him and now thered nothing at home there's no hope noone to miss:(I will never love a dog that much again!I will never be the same.please help me

How do you get unwanted thoughts out of your head?

Distract yourself. Call a friend or go shopping or do whatever makes you happy. Keeping busy is a great way to keep scary thoughts out. Good luck!

Why does my dog do this?

Do you know those stuffing less dog toys like skunks and raccoons ? Well we got my dog a few for toys and anyway at first she was afraid of them but now she thinks they are her babies. She carries them around everywhere she goes (very gently), barks at anyone who touches them, licks and cleans them constantly, and i think she has even tried nursing this a few times. Do you know why this might be?

Verizon wireless contract help PLEASE!?!?

okay so i have a verizon wireless contract. im eligable for an upgrade in october but my fone is a piece of crap so i want to purchase the thunderbolt, i have to pay full retail price to get it now unless i wait till my contract is over. i cant afford retail price but my phone sucks and i really want this one. my account has two lines. mine and my grandmothers. if i cancle my line, how much would the cancilation fee be for the samsung alias 2? and if i went ahead and cancled it and only kept my grandmothers phone line, would i be able to open up a new line and just pay the three hundred something for the new two year contract? what should i do? would cancling one line then opening up a new one be cheaper than just paying ful retail price, which is 556$ (or whatever the price for it is) or for the new two year contract it would be 309$ (or whatever the price for it is.) not to mention if i replace this one or cancle and open a new line id need to buy a car charger cuz i travle alot, a universal charger, and a 20$ phone cover so i dont scratch it. so all in all, how much is a cancilation fee when im eligable to update in four months?, and would i be able to open up a new line and it all be cheaper then just paying full retail price? PLEASE HELP!!!!

Does anybody agree with me that small dogs are very anoying?

I personally thnk that small dogs are very annoying. Everything is fast paced, they are constantly looking to bark at. I know some people will disagree.

How do i get contacts from my old cell to my new one?

A micro sd card you can export everything from the old phone onto it and then put it in the new phone and import them in I just did that with my new phone got it all back. Or just add the contacts if you dont have a micro sd card then your outta luck with the pics.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

If you had your dog since she was a baby, but she peed in your place and made it smell like it, would you...?

Basically, I have a dog who is kind of old. I love her, but I am trying to decide if I should give her to my little brother to care of or keep her and risk our new apartment be peed in and smelled up. I also have a 1 year old to raise. She throws up from time to time, and poops once in awhile. If I put her out back on the patio, she barks her head off until I let her in. After grooming, she smells in less than 3 days which would require me to give her a bath twice a week. My Mom and brother whom I'm thinking of giving her to, have a backyard and a bigger house, also another dog. So what do you think? Should I give her to my Mom and Brother or should I keep her?

My mom found a baby woodpecker, need help!!!!?

Well first of all, a mother bird won't reject the baby just because it has a human scent on it. That's just a myth. Anyway, a woodpeckers diet varies from seasons and from species but the most common are insects that live in wood. So grubs and ants. They also eat berries and fruit, seeds, nuts, and tree sap.

How to start a blogger blog under a subdomain?

Okay so I recently bought a domain name for my blog, which is a href="" rel="nofollow" Now I want to start a whole seperate blog, because I want one blog just to be about thing, and I want another blog to be about something different but use a subdomain from my original domain so I don't have to buy a whole new domain. So in examples, My domain is a href="," rel="nofollow",/a and I want to start another blog under a subdomain, a href="" rel="nofollow" How would I go about doing that correctly? I bought my domain through google apps, (which is partners with GoDaddy). I can enter my DNS settings and access all my DNS info, and I want to start a subdomain so I click add CNAME (Alias), the host being reviews since that's the host I want it to direct to ( and points to, since that's the URL I want my subdomain at. Did I do that correctly? Can someone please help? I've tried this for hours and nothing has worked, I just get the server can not be found error in FireFox. Any help is appreciated.

How do I find someone's criminal record?

My dad was incarcerated for 10 years in Florence, CO. I want to look and see what he was charged with and what crimes he committed in jail. He was transferred there from god knows where. He's out now and no searches on the Florence jail's web page bring up nothing. He's never used an alias. I don't think. How can I find info on him?

Seniors, what kinds of birds are gathered at your feeder right now?

I see a ton of wrens and sparrows, once in awhile a woodpecker or a blue jay, and there's always a couple of cardinals, male and female, who always seem to take turns at the feeder. I wonder why?

I am the owner of a black lab . His age is about 4 months but he does not used to bark any outsider?

suggest any method that will make him bark towards outsider and also suggest an ideal diet for my lab.

My dog is an idiot savant?

My puppy is a barker. When I leave the house he'll bark and start cryin and scratchin on the door but he'll stay by tht door until I come bak. But one thing tht always shuts him up, is food. He likes cereal lolz or those little beef flavored treats. They smell kinda gud too xD

My boxer pup loves to hang around stranger?!?

he loves strangers more than us his family -.- i dnt mind him being nice to strangers but he barks at my whole family not me though and he bites thm so much but he still loves them. i just wanna figure out a way he would sorta not like strangers as much

Dos anyone else see the similarity between Barrack Obama and Josef Stalin?

Don't forget Both killed people, got their countries into war, negotiated with the Enemy. (USSR with Nazi Germany, 0bama with the Taliban)

Why won't my beagle bark?

My beagle is 8 months old now and has never barked. He has whimpered a couple times but that's it. He is in the pen with two other full grow males that have no problem barking when needed. We use them for rabbit hunting. Is there something wrong with him???

My Japanese Chin dog don't bark?

I have a healthy Japanese Chin dog name Gizmo, but he just doesn't bark. When ever he hears other dogs he only picks his ears up. The only times he barks is when his at sleep. Is a really really low bark (he only does it like 2 or 3 times) and also wiggles his tail :) so i know that's good. but should i be worry?

My dog barks and growl at other dogs can anyone help?

if he is not cut that is your problem i breed dogs and sell the puppies and we always ask if the new owners will what the males cut just so they aren't aggressive and are easier to train

Why did my dog bark at nothing?

Dogs can hear and smell better than humans can, so its entirely possible that there is something on the air that you simply cannot detect. At the end of the day there shouldn't be a real reason to be really concerned, granted it can be a little freaky, but if I learned anything from my own dog is that sometimes they just get riled up. He may have saw something that got him excited and it left by the time you got out there. Raccoons are crafty buggers.

Can i kill a Downy Woodpecker?

a Downy Woodpecker has been peaking on my chimney at 5 A.M. waking me up and i need to know how to get rid of him. but i also need to know how to keep him away from my neighbors houses.

In desperate need of help for training my Lab/Pitbull mix.?

My fiance and I have had this dog since November of 2010. We rescued him from the pound. He was one of a litter of eight male puppies and we were given no information on the parents. He looks like a lab mostly but some people say he has some characteristics of a pitbull as well. My fiance and I DO NOT want to get rid of him, but we are at a loss of what else to do. This is the worst dog we have EVER had. And we have tried everything from cage training to the clicker to a shock collar to a sonic sound remote. Nothing works. If you reprimand him, he actually barks back at you. He doesn't listen AT ALL to anyone telling him to stay off the couch or not to eat food off the table or anything. He bites hard, and when I lay on the bed, he actually bites the back of my neck and my fiances neck. Spanking doesn't work, he still barks and bites back. My fiance and I definitely want children sometime but neither of us trust this dog enough to even let him near OTHER children. If we do get rid of him we can't even consider giving him to a family because he bites. We both love this dog to death and want it to work but he is destructive and has destroyed a leather couch we haven't even had for a month that we still need to make payments on. We live in an apartment, but he goes for daily walks and occasionally goes to the dog park or a friends back yard when we go over for barbeques. We put him through a training course at PetSmart and he failed MISERABLY. He was the barking trouble maker in the class. We got him the shock collar and he learned that he only gets shocked when he barks loudly so he started just moaning quietly enough so that it was still annoying but not shocking him. I am with him all morning and my fiance is with him all night. What can we do?!?!?!

Why are small wild birds generally less afraid of humans than larger ones ?

Goldcrests and robins can be approached very near, finches are fairly tolerant, woodpeckers fly off on sight of a human, larger birds stay well away.

What happens if a dog gets wet with amonia?

ina clear bottle was clear amonia and my grandpa sprayed her with "water" b/ she barks alot so what hapens when she gets wet? she really tiny! HELP

Anyone try the dog anxiety vest for separation anxiety?

If it is a compression vest - I have seen them work wonders with dogs afraid of thunder or fireworks - probably worth a try.

What are the graffiti laws in montana?

Graffiti in my eyes is an art. people express themslefs with an alias (tag name) so that they are not pinched by the law. but why should they be afraid? i just want to know the laws. In washington state if you are caught with tools to do graffiti its the same charge as gettin caught with the tools to steal a car. so let me know.

Any new good action tv series with a female lead?

firefly, not necessarily all female lead but females make up half of the main characters and it is pretty action packed. its a sci fi, i figured you would like it because you listed buffy.

WHY did the Alias show with jennifer garner end?

DO NOT add details as to HOW it ended because im still on season 4, but i would like to know why the producers ended the show ;(

How do you attract a woodpecker?

I have a little woodpecker problem and would like to attract the woodpecker to me so my sister can shoot it. How can i do this?

How can we control a woodpecker?

its basically in there because its a safe place to stay warm,im afraid to say you may have to hire someone to catch the bird then you will have to patch up the hole manually in order to prevent other birds from re-using the nesting ground,the woodpecker will also have to be relocated in a woods away from your home otherwise it will try it again.

What do you think of IGN's "100 Best Animated Series of All Time"?

"of all time"? seriously? im glad that some anime series are included in the list like naruto, death note, and fma (where the hell is bleach?). but saying "best animated series of all time" is too much imo. maybe "of 2010" or something like that is okay, but (again) "of all time"?

Fear of roller coasters...HELP please?

All roller coasters today are continuously inspected and in pique safety condition. There is no chance anything will go wrong. It will all just be fun and a great adrenaline rush.

Can you put a phone charm on samsung alias?

I don't know if it has a place built in to the design to add a charm, but you can put a charm on any phone with an inexpensive little "O" ring made specifically for attaching charms to phones, iPods, laptops, etc. Here is a link with a photo so you can see what they look like and how they work: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a You might be able to find them at stores that sell phone accessories or you can buy them online.

How to do a money order?

i'm selling some items online under an alias and i was wondering how a money order works? would the check still be valid if they put my fake name?

Why do many dogs start barking when one dogs decides to bark?

For example, there's this dog in the neighborhood who constantly barks, and whenever he starts, ALL the dogs start barking. Why do they do this?

Does he like meee Im rlly depressed I need help now pls answer this ?

K so me and my bf we've been together maybe for a month. Today I was talking to his friend and then his friend was like do u wanna see Ur bf pic on fb I was like yeah. I don't have fb. So he gave me his email and the password. I didn't rlly go on my bf pic I went on the messages between my bf and him my guy friend. SOO I read it. My guy friend asked him if he likes me then he answered by saying noo first thing everyone thinks I like her but I don't and second thing I have a gf. I was crying Wen I saw that. But when I looked on the date it was march. And the other message said do u have alias email (my name) and the date was on April 11th. And I'm rlly worried he told me he likes meee when I read the massage I got rlly shocked I rlly need help wat should I do and wat do u think he told me he likes me and we r together now but idk why he told his friend he doesn't like me it was 2 months ago when he told his friend He doesnt like me but now I know he likes me but idk if he doesn't want to hurt my feelings by saying he doesnt. And he bought me a necklace with the letter A :"( if he doesn't like me than why is he with me now ???? Help

Is this a self help eviction?

my sister lives in Philadelphia, lost a rental case to her landlord. long story short, landlord won judgment filed both a writ of possession on and an alias writ of possession.Writ was filed with the courts 5/25/ alias 6/1. My sister mind you, HAS NOT BEEN SERVED EITHER ONE..... Today, landlord comes to the house to change the locks, thank God my sister was there. If she was not served either writ by a landlord tenant officer or sheriff, is this not considered a self help eviction? She is due to move this weekend... What rights does she have right now and what should she do? I live in NY so i am not familiar with Philadelphia Landlord-tenant law, any help you give would be great! Thanks and have a great day!

Does my bf like me PLSSSSS helppppp?

K so me and my bf we've been together maybe for a month. Today I was talking to his friend and then his friend was like do u wanna see Ur bf pic on fb I was like yeah. I don't have fb. So he gave me his email and the password. I didn't rlly go on my bf pic I went on the messages between my bf and him my guy friend. SOO I read it. My guy friend asked him if he likes me then he answered by saying noo first thing everyone thinks I like her but I don't and second thing I have a gf. I was crying Wen I saw that. But when I looked on the date it was march. And the other message said do u have alias email (my name) and the date was on April 11th. And I'm rlly worried he told me he likes meee when I read the massage I got rlly shocked I rlly need help wat should I do and wat do u think he told me he likes me and we r together now but idk why he told his friend he doesn't like me it was 2 months ago when he told his friend He doesnt like me but now I know he likes me but idk if he doesn't want to hurt my feelings by saying he doesnt. And he bought me a necklace with the letter A :"( if he doesn't like me than why is he with me now ???? Help

Is it normal for woodpeckers to peck my butthole?

i was gathering acorns from the forrest naked, qnd a woodpecker came down and pecked my rectum, is it normal!?!?!?!


K so me and my bf love EACHOTHER we've been together maybe for a month. Today I was talking to his friend and then his friend was like do u wanna see Ur bf pic on fb I was like yeah. I don't have fb. So he gave me his email and the password. I didn't rlly go on my bf pic I went on the messages between my bf and him my guy friend. SOO I read it. My guy friend asked him if he likes me then he answered by saying noo first thing everyone thinks I like her but I don't and second thing I have a gf. I was crying Wen I saw that. But when I looked on the date it was march. And the other message said do u have alias email (my name) and the date was on April 11th. And I'm rlly worried he told me he likes meee when I read the massage I got rlly shocked I rlly need help wat should I do and wat do u think ?? :"(

Would it be okay to just let my rabbit roam freely on the deck during the day hours?

I got a new rabbit yesterday and she isn't comfortable enough with my other rabbit to have them both in the same hutch. I have a cage for her but I find it cruel to have her locked up in it when she's not with me because there isn't really any room for her to hop around and get exercise on her own terms, other than when I let her out and let her run around. She's about six pounds and that's way too big for any bird around here to lift. There aren't any eagles or hawks or really any birds around my house besides hummingbirds, lots of robins, and the occasional crow and some woodpeckers on the trees. The only other animals I've ever seen around my house are squirrels, chipmunks, wild rabbits, and I've seen deer about two or three times. There's no way for her to escape unless she jumped three feet in the air, which I know she won't do...I don't even know if she can jump that high. I would check on her often (I'm a bit overprotective) but she wouldn't be under constant supervision. I would put her in her cage at night a little while before it starts to get dark. I usually handle my rabbits random times throughout the day and then let them hop around on the deck at 7:30 and put them to "bed" at 8:00-8:30. I also let them hop around the bathroom for about an hour during the day. They both live outside. I have lived here for eight years and I have never seen a stray cat or dog. I live in an extremely small neighborhood. All the dogs in the neighborhood either have an electric fence or are tied up, with the exception of my dog and my neighbor's dog. I am extremely confident that no predators could get to her. I'm pretty positive it would be okay to let her roam freely on the deck, I just want to hear your opinions/suggestions.

Hijacked Addresses>virus link?

None of these will help. If you've deleted your contacts and more emails are still being sent to them from "you", it's spammers spoofing your account. Absolutely nothing you can do except possibly to tell your contacts to blacklist that email source and never use it again.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How can I get my dog to stop his barking habits?

I have a male yellow lab who is almost 3. Since he was a puppy, he's always had an issue with barking too much. Most times if we let him outside, he will do his business then come right to the door and start barking to come in. If I'm outside doing something other then playing with him he will constantly bark until I throw him the ball and if I don't pick the ball up within seconds of him bringing it back to me, the barking will get worse. My husband, neighbors and myself are getting very frustrated with this situation. Any suggestions on training advice to stop this habbit would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance!

When making calls on my Alias phone, I can't hear the other person talking but they can hear me! PLEEEASE HELP?

When I 'm the one making the call, i can't hear it ring and i can't hear the other person talking, but they can hear me fine. When I'm being called, i answer and hear nohting, but they, again, hear me. Is there ANY way i can fix this without spending a million bucks?? :// Any help is MUCH appreciated!

My dogs got into a fight, and one got a puncture wound, what do I do?

First off, it needs to go to the vet. It's unfortunate that her mom is refusing medical help because the deep wound can get infected. My dogs got into a very serious fight once when one of my females was in an aggressive heat cycle. One of my dogs had a puncture wound, and we took her to the vet. They gave her antibiotics to prevent an infection, and we went to the store to get gauze to wrap her leg. After maybe a week, she was healing and walking just fine. Good luck with your dogs! :)

DS: Question about one of my dogs behavior, aggression?

Your dog's behavior was perfectly normal. It's a guard dog guarding your home. Further, running through the backyard triggered his prey reflex.

Who won the Super Bowl?

I will be on a silent protest until the lockout is lifted. This section is just too boring. I probably will be trolling other sections under an alias. See you when there is Football. Go Bears!!!

How do you make your dog accept visitors?

You really need to call in an animal behavorist for this. Dogs that have actually nipped somone are nothing top play around with. Remenber the YOU are leagally responsible if the dog bites someone. Until you do keep the dog in a room by itself when you have people over.

Can you help me find this Harry Potter fanfic?

I cannot for the life of me remember the title to this fanfic i want to read. I'll try to give you the best summary that I can: Harry goes independent from Dumbledore. He trains in combat, and fights under an alias along side the Order (blonde, the order thinks there're two of him), before Minerva finally figures out its him by watching him teach the DA. Has one or more (cant remember) animagus forms, one of which is a black panther with green eyes, i think. Im pretty sure it Harry/Ginny, but not positive. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Are dog parks safe to go to?

I used to take my Golden Retriever to the dog park but the last time she was getting overly friendly to this other dogs owner, the other dog seemed to be getting jealous and was barking at her. I thought he might attack her. Should she have backed off and did she have bad doggy manners? Is it safe to take her back?

Can mail be sent to my PO box under my alias?

No. the post office won't accept your "alias". At the very least you may be accused of laundering drug money or have some connection with drugs

Fledgling woodpecker on a city street?

A fledgling woodpecker fell out of his nest right when I was walking by. I know at this age they are supposed to be on the ground but he seemed dazed by the fall and on this street there are so many cars and dogs I was worried about him but I didn't want to move him far from his nest where his parents couldn't find him. So I put him up in a flower pot that was high enough so the dogs wouldn't get to him but I don't think he will get hurt jumping out of it. Did I do the right thing? Would it have been better to just leave him on the ground?

Would you date a girl that weighed 199lbs?

I know your probably looking for answers from guys, but I swing just about any way possible, but I'm still very picky. But I deffinently would. You sound adorable and funny, and ill be damned but since when has size mattered? So yes, ye si would. :)

If we make fun of other people's beliefs, have we become the Thought Police?

If someone believed in witches and believed you were a witch and they wanted to burn you at the stake wouldn't that matter then? Or if they wanted to send you to the moon but they believed that the sun rotated around the earth wouldn't that affect you? There is a limit to allowing people to believe what they want, particularly when it goes against the truth.

Can someone help? please :)?

does anybody know where can i download the game: Woody Woodpecker escape from buzz buzzard park? please =)

How do i get my dog to stop barking?

I have a 5 month old puppy and he enjoys barking up a storm when a cat walks by the window or he hears a noise or something. He's really small so he'll only really do this if he has something to hide behind, but he hides behind me and our husky a lot so it's a nusence at 3 in the morning when he wont shut up. He wont do it outside only while he's inside.

Why was this man granted leave to stay after making bogus asylum claims?

It is made worse when you realise that 99.9% of immigrants could easily be stopped from entering the country. The government PRETEND to stop immigration with a few cases, in reality they ALLOW 100s of 1000s in as a cheap workforce. We can keep an army out in wartime, immigration is a dirty trick against our own people by expense cheat politicians. Politicians cannot be trusted on this subject

How to stop dogs from fighting?

My one Aussie pup insists on constantly fighting with her brother. Also, she chews on the furniture, wont stop barking, and keeps pulling down my sweatpants (she bites ans pulls). How can I stop this? I tried curling her lips under so she bites her lip when she bites things, but this doesnt seem to work. I love her to death, but I cant take it. Any advice or help?

What movie is this? the one where the kid uses macintosh as an alias and gets rich?

its this movie where this kid used the name macintosh as an alias... and does some stuff that earns him tons of money... i think thats all i need to tell you, its pretty important to the plot XD

Do you ever hear poems?

There is a huge Pileated woodpecker which lives somewhere in the woods behind my barn. I hear his maniacal call fairly often, but he rarely shows himself--very rarely. Describing woodpecker noises in a fresh way is difficult. Nice poem.

Can anyone rate the scariness of the coasters at Universal Orlando?

Well, I'm probably going to Universal on Saturday. I've been once before, and the only coasters that I rode were the mummy and that little woodpecker ride thingy. So, can anyone who has rode them make a list of all the coasters in both parks, universal studios and islands of adventure, in order so i know which ones are the scariest? Also I have ridden other coasters in different parks before, but I've never gone on one that goes upside down, and I'm hoping to maybe conquer my fears.:) Thanks for the help!

Does a superhero need to have a secret identity?

I am having some trouble thinking up a superhero name for a girl with photokinetic powers. Then I wondered if she even needed a secret identity or alias. If being a superhero was all she was, would she need a secret identity? What are the pros and cons of having a secret identity and not having a secret identity? And as readers would you find it more believable if superheroes had secret identities or not?

My dog had a seizure tonight and im so scared for my baby girl. does anyone have answers or precautions?

Her doggy bed is in my room and she was just laying there a little droopy eyed and it seemed to me like she was completely at rest and just falling asleep, i saw nothing too strange and then i look over again and my girl is completely silent, paralized and cunvulsing,her body was contorting backwards, foaming at the mouth. was very obviously unconcious and having a seizure..all i could do was repeatedly call her name and eventually about a few minutes later she was still seizuring but she starting snarling and barking and snapping at us of course not being aware of any of this....she continued to convulse and bark but was trying to come around..and she made it on her feet but was frantic as i was but she was still convulsing and falling down..she was dizzy and falling over for a few minutes after that. She did have a potty accident during this. the episode lasted about ten to 12 minutes altogether and it was so disturbing and completely devistating to witness...and then now she is fine and loving like her normal self...and she was just anxious and very confused after and now she is just exhausted and is sleeping...of course we called the vet hospital and they said to watch her for any kind of abnormal behavior and bring her in if so....are their any vets who can give me more opinions or people with the same experience? This has never happened before to her and Im just scared for her and i need some answers...please help!

Which sentence is correct?

Both could be correct. Singular implies one distinct sound only. Plural implies a variety of sounds, which could include vocalizations, movement, etc.

Barking dog help????

i think it depends on where you live, but where i live, yea you could get in trouble. its kind of like listening to loud music nonstop. i had a friend that was forced to get rid of his dog because it would bark nonstop. but thats only if the barking is a real issue and you get a lot of complaints. i have a dog and i wish she would bark more. she is probably the worse watch dog ever. if a burglar was to break into the house, she would be the first to hide under the bed quietly and scared out of her mind but i still love her lol.

What's wrong with my ENV 2?

It won't charge or anything. I think it might be the charge inplug on it that's messed up, or it might be the battery. It stopped working in September or October of last year and I found it maybe a week or two ago, and I really want my old phone back. I have an Alias 2 now, and I love it, but I really want my old ENV 2 back. PLEASE HELP?

How do you get unwanted thoughts out of your head?

Last night I was laying down. I was really paranoid that someone was watching me through the window. Then I heard barking. But it wasn't my dog, I know because I can tell the difference between different barks and it sounded like it was right outside my door but it was subtle, it sounded like it wasn't there but it was. It was getting incredibly annoying so I tried to close my eyes and get some sleep. But images of tarantulas kept popping up in my head. So I tried to thing of other things like unicorns and docks above lakes but tarantulas kept popping up! I eventually had to get my favorite DVD and turn it up really loud and put the air conditioning on high (which is loud). That worked but I need other ways. Like what should I do if this happens and I am not at home? Thanks and no rude answers please. :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

How can i stop my dog from barking?

My dog barks constantly when he is not around us. When he goes outside he does his business and then runs to the door and barks like crazy till we let him in. When we let him in and he is wet we have a half door to keep him from roaming upstairs and getting everything wet and he has the basement to go in and he still barks. We have tried putting him my room where he sleeps everyday and he is a little more calm but still barks. We have tried a spray bottle doesn't work. Shock collar doesn't work ignoring him and hoping he would get used to it and it doesn't work. We have tried letting him in when he takes a short break from barking and telling him he is a good boy and we have tried treats as well. My parents are about done and wanting to get rid of him if i cant find a way to get him to stop barking all the time. Is there anything else i can do to try to stop him from barking all the time i love him and don't want him to have to go to a new home. Please let me know if there is anything else i could try that would stop him.

How can I stop my dog from barking constantly?

I have a one-year-old Shih Tzu who I love but she is honestly driving me insane. She barks at nothing at all. She will just randomly start barking at the wall. We can barely talk in my house as she's so loud. Going to sleep at night is a nightmare as she won't shut up. She also barks first thing in the morning so I have little sleep because of her and she's making me feel exhausted, annoyed and ill because of it.

I need help with some baby woodpeckers?

Today we cut down a tree and three baby woodpeckers were found. (All of them are fine). We saw the momma circle a couple of times but didn't do anything. I don't know what to do, leave them there or take them in. The babies are still blind and featherless. Help!

I'm so confused!!! Why are relationships so difficult?

Any mention of you would've revealed his relationship with you. And since you've asked him to keep his relationship with you private, then this is the reason why he didn't mention you. He did as you've asked him to do.

My neighbor removed my squirrel feeder and suet block feeder from the City Tree. Can I bill him for it?

You do not own that property, which means you have no rights pertaining to persona property you placed there. It was placed "at your own risk". You risked, and you lost.

Is the samsung alias a good phone?

my cousins have it and they like it; they also say that its like hard to break or something he throws it accross his backyard like its a freaken baseball

Boy and friend problems. Three part question. Please, I need help!?

Hi, so I understand your frustration and everything. I know it might be difficult, but I think you should tell this guy "we,need to talk" and call him rather than text. Tell him that you would like to meet up with him and talk to him and explain everything to him. There is nothing worse than stupid drama. I am 23 and I don't really communicate with many if any friends from high school anymore, they all think I am funny and I am liked but people change you know. I think it would be a shame for you to lose you friends that you have known for so long over a guy that you haven't know the same amount of time or longer. Think about all the times that you shared and memories you have made with her and ask yourself if you want to not be friends with her anymore. I work at sam's club in metairie, LA and I am madly in love with redheads. The first girl I dated we met when I was 17 and she was 15 and we broke up when I was 21. It felt like we grew up together and we did fight a lot but I grew to love her soooo much and so much so that we collected notes we wrote to eachother in high school and movies tickets and everything and I still have everything. Well about 6 months ago I met this other redhead that demos an energy drink on the weekends and I'm telling you this because actually I think we dated for almost a year but we still work together but we broke up now and now we have to see eachother a lot. We broke up because she does drugs but like you said, imagine seeing you friend everyday after you friendship ends badly. It is awkward for her and I know because I have to help her with things but she is dating someone else now and she purposely invites him for lunch grrrr. Anyway I hope I helped any and I hope you work everything out