Saturday, July 16, 2011

My dog had a seizure tonight and im so scared for my baby girl. does anyone have answers or precautions?

Her doggy bed is in my room and she was just laying there a little droopy eyed and it seemed to me like she was completely at rest and just falling asleep, i saw nothing too strange and then i look over again and my girl is completely silent, paralized and cunvulsing,her body was contorting backwards, foaming at the mouth. was very obviously unconcious and having a seizure..all i could do was repeatedly call her name and eventually about a few minutes later she was still seizuring but she starting snarling and barking and snapping at us of course not being aware of any of this....she continued to convulse and bark but was trying to come around..and she made it on her feet but was frantic as i was but she was still convulsing and falling down..she was dizzy and falling over for a few minutes after that. She did have a potty accident during this. the episode lasted about ten to 12 minutes altogether and it was so disturbing and completely devistating to witness...and then now she is fine and loving like her normal self...and she was just anxious and very confused after and now she is just exhausted and is sleeping...of course we called the vet hospital and they said to watch her for any kind of abnormal behavior and bring her in if so....are their any vets who can give me more opinions or people with the same experience? This has never happened before to her and Im just scared for her and i need some answers...please help!

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