Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Stay in relationship and compromise,or leave now ?.?

My current girlfriend has been with me for a little over 8 months,and she lives with two 40 ibs dogs. I personally don't like dogs,barking invading of space,un deciplined,sleeping on bed,hair,and a number of other things just irritate me. It's her place so I don't mind,but we have a problem now where I told her I won't move in with her as long as she has dogs. Her current dogs are older in age,and I told her I would wait till their time comes,but I won't live with dogs in a place of my own. It is wrong of me,but I can't help it,it's compulsive. I can't deal with their mess,and their invasion of your space,but I love her very much,and don't know what to do.

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